Palestinian girls wearing Hamas scarves and headbands, one holding a toy gun and a doll, others holding copies of Islam's holy book Quran, during a campaign for students' council elections at the Arab American university in the northern West Bank town of Jenin Monday, Feb. 27, 2006. The elections is scheduled for Tuesday. The European Union agreed Monday to provide euro120 million (US$143 million) in urgent aid for Palestinians before a government takes office led by Hamas _ a group the bloc considers a terrorist organization. (AP Photo/Mohammed Ballas)
Wow, Hamas has really turned into quite the politically astute little organization since their victory in recent parliamentary elections. They've learned that every campaign matters, and that there's nothing quite like a quality photo-op. Let's take a quick look at some of the fine details they've managed to pack into this one picture:
- It's All About The Children (They Are Our Future), so for a University Student Council election, where all the candidates are in their 20s, it's a fabulous idea to pull a bunch of schoolgirls out of their class and bus them over. Great work guys. It really makes it clear you wouldn't think of worrying about trivialities like the education (pronounced "indoctrination") of the young when there's some campaigning to do.
- Showing both a toy rifle and a doll in the hands of the Junior Jihad Ladies Auxilliary reminds everyone how important it is to train your kids from the earliest ages to liberate their land by force -- all of it, and then some -- even while playing with dolls, since one hand should still be free.
- Such inspiration! Shroud all the girls head to toe and then tie them off at the neck with Hamas green -- and then put a veil over the doll's face! Unmitigated genius!
One is only left to wonder, in light of all the positives already mentioned, who screwed up and forgot to bring the My Little Princess Suicide Belts?