
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Haveil Havalim, #69 is really fine 

This week's carnival of the Jewish Blogosphere, Haveil Havalim, is hosted by none other than its founder, Soccer Dad. Do you ever wonder how much coaching and carpool time his soccer playing kids actually get, with all that Soccer Dad does for the J-Blogospher? I do. I only have girls who don't even want to play soccer and I can't imagine keeping up with his pace.

One nice thing Soccer Dad did this week was highlight a few newer sites. If you have a minute, stop by and welcome the newcomers.

But he also has some great posts by veteran bloggers too, like Captain's Quarters and Elder of Ziyon. Those are just a couple samples of course. If you really want to immerse yourself in the full carnival atmosphere, you should check out Haveil Havalim #69 and read some of this week's great writing.

If you really, really liked this -- or even really, really hated it -- there's lots more: