
Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hawaii and America, Two States For Two Peoples? 

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. warns of the dangers of "the most odious, anti-American piece of legislation in memory: S.147, the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act":

This legislation has been advanced in the spirit of pandering that has come to characterize all-too-much of our national political life. In this case, the pandering is on behalf of an ethnic community that is largely a figment of some politicians' imaginations -- a once-sovereign, identifiably blooded race of "Native Hawaiians" that are, if S. 147 were to become law, to be given the right to govern themselves as they see fit. This could involve creating a new Hawaiian monarchy and perhaps lead to the islands' secession from the Union.
Mr. Gaffney identifies how this legislation is part of a growing American trend of pandering to Balkanized interest groups. Despite the many shortcomings he points out in the law, including Constitutional inconsistencies, it stands a chance of gaining passage in the Senate.

Should Senators violate their oath of office -- which obliges them to "support and defend the Constitution" -- by enacting S. 147, they will be inviting an even greater problem down the road. Other self-designating communities can be expected to demand recognition of their rights to have their own government and sovereign laws. These might include Chicanos, Cajuns, Amish and Puerto Ricans.
He forgot Eskimoes and Democrats but I think he's made a strong point.

And while he is a pundit with at least some mainstream exposure, and must therefore remain constrained within the bounds of reason in predicting the dire consequences of the stupidity he identifies, I am a mere blogger, and therefore free to bring you the worst case scenario without fear of consequence -- other than a slew of comments which I have the godlike power to delete.

The worst case is not just other groups clamoring for special rights. Heck, we've already got that. This will just add a couple extra days of argument to each court case.

What happens, though, when aggrieved groups start emulating the successful techniques presently being practiced and rewarded on the world's political stages? I asked before where all the Hawaiian suicide bombers were. Hey! C'mon, you know I was only kidding!

But now, whether this bill passes, thus validating grievances, or is rejected, thus creating more grievances, it brings us one step closer to some serious consequences. I can only hope it never reaches the stage of suicide vests and martyrdom operations.

The legislation, originally scheduled for a vote earlier this month, is presently delayed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

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