
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Haveil Havalim #58 is Ripe and Ready 

Soccer Dad has the new Haveil Havalim (#58) up and it's really worth a look. Here are a few of the great posts there that I might not have found otherwise:

Mensa Barbie contrasts two groups of four year olds separated by 60 years in time, a few miles in space, and the breadth of the universe in ideology.

Secular Blasphemy takes a hard look at some of those kids and their training too.

In case they needed any help, Meryl Yourish does a great job helping Hamas clarify what they're all about.

My Right Word shows that sometimes, the perfect retort is short and sharp.

And Treppenwitz helps us all avoid losing the hard reality behind the hypotheticals and theoreticals in our blogging.

Thanks to Soccer Dad's great synopses and organization, I'm sure you'll find some unexpected treasures if you take a look.

Next week's festivities will be hosted by Daled Amos. (Details on how you can join the party are at the bottom of Soccer Dad's post).

If you really, really liked this -- or even really, really hated it -- there's lots more: